2025 Stearns County Shoreland Workshop

Every year, the Stearns County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) sponsors a workshop on shoreland best practices.  The next event will be on Thursday, February 6th on the St. Benedict campus in St. Joseph.  A number of speakers are scheduled, including MPR's Kirsti Mahron, who developed a multi-part series on vanishing natural shorelines (that included an article about a parcel on our very own Chain of Lakes).  Dan Shaw of the MN Board of Water & Soil Resources (BWSR) will speak about establishing and maintaining native vegetation.  Shoreline owners that implemented recent restoration projects will also be presenters.  Various contractors and native retailers will have booths on-site.  You can use the QR code in the attached document to register.  The cost is $35 and includes lunch.

Click here to learn more and register.


General ice thickness guidelines